This album was released on New Years 2000 (01 January 2000). The Images in this gallery work, just not the thumbnails.
1. MC1
If you plan to use these scans for your own purposes,
The Code Number is COCX-30781 and it will discontinue print on 31 December 2002.
The conversion cost is equivalent to around ¥3,000.
It features a total of 25 Tracks; 10 Dialogue Tracks and 15 Songs.
The Master of Ceremonies is Yuta Mochizuki.
The Disc Jockey is Ryuji Kasahara.
The last page of the booklet features the ranks of songs voted by fans.
Please be patient for repairs!
2. Natsu o shimashou Vacation (1993)
3. Light ni Avanture (1996)
4. MC2
5. Sailor Busters (1996)
6. Orlean no Sei Senshi (1997)
7. MC3
8. Chasin' After You (1996)
9. MC4
10. Yami koso Utsukushii (1993)
11. Koatoru no hibou (1999)
12. MC5
13. Amazon kara Circus dan ga yattekita (1995)
14. Onna Kaizoku no Sakusen (1999)
15. MC6
16. Galaxia Gorgeous (1997)
17. MC7
18. Kokoro Tabanete Makin' For The Right (1998)
19. See Me, Bokutachi no jidai (1996)
20. MC8
21. Solar Miracle Make Up (1994)
22. MC9
23. Minna dareka ni aisarete (1999)
24. MC10
25. Sailor War! (1993)
please give me the proper credit for scanning them!