Memorial Album of the Musical 6
Shin Densetsu Kourin
Sells for about ¥2,718.
It goes out of print on July 09th, 2000, and was released on July 10th, 1998.
Scanned by Diana Kou
Memorial Album of the Musical 8
Last Dracul Overture
Sells for about ¥3,150.
It goes out of print on December 31st, 2001, and was released on January 01st, 2000.
Scanned by Diana Kou
Memorial Album of the Musical
Best Songs Collection - Fan ga Eranda
Sells for about ¥2,940.
It goes out of print on December 31st, 2002, and was released on January 01st, 2000.
Scanned by Diana Kou
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